Signs that you're ready for advanced Microblading training

Posted by Racheal Keeley on

News Flash 💡


Every Microblading artist started off as a beginner, just like where you are right now. Yep, those ones that you're admiring from the gram, wondering how they achieve such crisp hair strokes. All have been in the exact spot you're in right now...


The difference? (hint: it's not being born with any special skills)


It's refining their technique, thier business and constantly improving. 


And guess what? You can do it too, all you have to do is recognise when you're ready, find out the training you need, decide when to do it and take action.


So what are the telltale signs you’re ready to level up your technique?


1 - Brow mapping is taking you over an hour, even with a few clients under your belt, you just can’t seem to get the shape right no matter what you do, making you feel stressed and overwhelmed.


2 - Your healed results are coming back inconsistent, some are too dark, others have fade and are barely visible. 


3 - Bookings are up and down, some months you have a few, others nothing.


4 - You’re ready to take your business and skillset to the next level so you can finally create that dream salon you’ve had on your goals list. 


The truth, these things don’t get better with more ‘practice’ or more clients under your belt. Only by simply advancing and refining your technique. 


Success is in the 55th brow you create not the first, second or third. 


So, will this be the year you take action on your dreams and make them happen? ⚡️

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