How to create systems for your brow business

Posted by Racheal Keeley on

Does our business sometimes feel like it's running you? wearing all of the hats, trying to get deposits out, reply to messages, emails, drink water, eat between know the drill...

you might be saying, well it's just me a solo brow owner, so I don't need systems...


However, its the solo owners that need them the most, because you need to work the most efficiently so you can spend your time on doing brows, without the behind the scenes falling apart. 


Signs that you need a system 

  • You're struggling to keep on top of client messages, talking more than 2-3 days to reply
  • Sending out manual deposits is talking up a lot of time
  • You're spending 5-10 hours a week on admin or client bookings (time that could be spent with family and friends)

What if there was a way you could cut down your tasks? 

Let us introduce to you the world of systems and processes (the exact things we create for our high level students) who want to expand their brow business. Because without systems and processes, you essentially can end up spending unnecessary time in the day-to-day, when you could be perusing the things that light you up.


What is a system?

A system is a process that you can use to organise and structure a task that you do repeatedly, to  ensure it's done at the same standard, in the same way each time.


What kinds of things can you systemise?

  • booking deposits 
  • client follow ups
  • admin / emails / texts
  • services
  • stock management
  • cleaning 
  • finances

You name, it can be done! especially with our templates and business systems training.


How do systems benefit a brow business?

Imagine this - your business ran like a well-oiled machine, no matter who was doing each task, things were done efficiently, in the standard that you wish, each and every time. You walked into your business from a holiday and everything was organised, there was flow and structure and everything worked so easily!

To start getting your head around systems, start with the tasks that you do frequently, we follow a work flow of systemise, organise, delegate or delete. 

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