Is your beauty business ready for a coach? don’t make your hire until you ask these questions

Posted by Racheal Keeley on

Depending on what stage you’re at, running a business is a lot of work, you may be feeling like your constantly reacting VS being proactive, or you may be wondering how to take things to the next level.

I believe getting first hand experience is our best way to learn things, but I also know that by surrounding yourself with mentors and information from experts, who have been where you want to go, will help you gain the knowledge you need to grow your business.

With the right help, you’ll go faster or at least have a few less bumps in the road.

Something i’ve learnt over time – the bigger you grow, the more support you will need from the right people. This could mean learning how to set things up efficiently so you run your business like a mega boss babe, or you may need someone to call for help when sh*t hits the fan…yes…i’m guilty over here of doing this.

When seeking out mentors – it’s really important to find someone who’s values align with yours. That way you can ensure that your business grows in the direction that’s aligned with who you are, as well as determining who will get you the best results, by deciphering who is going to be the best fit for your business.


There are lots of different styles of coaching, so getting clear on what it is you need help with will also help make your decision on who to go with. There are coaches for accountability, support, personal development, business growth, sales, marketing, tech, systems – you name it. There’s a coach for it.

By first getting clear on the type of supper you need, you can then run through the questions below to see what will have the biggest impact on your beauty business right now



One thing I’ve come to learn Over the years is getting experience from an industry professional, that has built a successful business is critical.

Don’t be fooled by the shiny Instagram or the idea of perfection that they may be portraying. In a visual world, it’s very easy to get caught up in the the pretty pictures and the followers, however when it comes down to crunch time, none of that actually matters, you need to truly get a feel for this person and who they are in real life.

Don’t be shy to quiz your potential mentor and ask what experience they have with the specifics you’re trying to achieve. You wouldn’t get a fitness plan from a Banker, so the same applies when you’re looking for a beauty business coach.

Are they ahead of you?

Take a look in to the business of the person you’re looking to hire, are they ahead of you? Is this something that you would like to achieve and does their vision of success match with yours?

Finding someone who is actively running a successful business or has ran multiple successful businesses in the past is crucial. This will give you tools from someone who has mastered something well, vs learning from someone who has actually never ran a business.

Can I trust them? 

Gaining trust with someone new can be hard to navigate, trusting your gut on who is a good fit and can you do your deep dives with will be the ultimate factor in your success. Having an initial consult is a great way of establishing if you’re both a good fit to work together.

How will I learn and are the details clear? 

Do you need 1:1 coaching that helps take a birds eye look in to your business? Or would you prefer group coaching where you can bounce ideas and network with others? Understanding how you will learn the tools will also be a factor.

Is the coaching all online? or will you get real time with your mentor? What kind of support is offered during your coaching and whats the total investment?

I have invested in many different levels of coaches that offer all different kinds of support, and knowing these details upfront make sure that everything’s clear so i’m confident in my investment.

What’s my role in this and what do I need to do to make my coaching successful? 

A successful coaching experience will always come down to you and your willingness to implement. Making sure you have time to implement what you’re learning is also crucial for results. Sometimes we can put so much in to the day to day that we forget about the bigger picture, then you end up staying stagnant because you haven’t left enough time in the week to work ‘on’ your business.

I like to call these ‘implementation’ days, and schedule them in advance will make sure that you always have the time. What gets scheduled, gets done.

Ask the person you’re looking to hire what would be required  from you? So you can schedule in advance. Protect this time like gold to stay on track.

So there you go, questions to get you started and food for thought to keep in mind to help make your decision when it comes to investing in coaches, mentorship and masterminds.

Over the years I worked with some amazing coaches that have helped me on my journey and some that definitely have not been a good fit.

Ensuring that you do your home work will also mean that you’ll be fired up ready to do the home work to make it a worthy investment.

Every time I’ve worked with a coach that’s been a great fit it’s always paid off and set me up to be a stronger business woman.

Coaching should help set you up for long term success so you have the tools to keep on going after you’ve finished your sessions.

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